Monday, 20 May 2013

Colour Piece (PART 4)

Now that the design is ready and the client is in shop we stencil up the design onto carbon paper. Basically the design is traced over leaving a print on the other side. Once the clients skin is prepared the design is placed on top of the skin and the design is left to dry a moment.

This is the stencil placed on the skin. The Carbon paper leaves a basic outline of everything I need to work on, I throw in extra information where available to make life easier. As you can see on the design I have added alot of extra information in this piece. I've been looking a lot at Jim Dine's Glyptotek Drawings and Sven Groenewald's tattoos. I wanted to take a rougher approach to this design, to not stick to the standard fundamentals I use and step outside of my comfort zone, to step away a little from realism.